The Art of DIY Oven Cleaning – Tips and Tricks for a Sparkling Kitchen

A clean and well-maintained oven is the cornerstone of any functional and pleasant kitchen. While professional oven cleaning services offer numerous benefits, some homeowners prefer the satisfaction of tackling the task themselves. In this version, we’ll explore the art of DIY oven cleaning and provide you with valuable tips and tricks to achieve a sparkling kitchen without professional help.

  1. Gather the Right Supplies

Before starting your DIY oven cleaning project, gather all the necessary supplies. You’ll need gloves, a face mask, a scouring pad or brush, baking soda, vinegar, dish soap, water, and a damp cloth. These items are readily available in most households or can be easily purchased at a local store.

  1. Remove and Soak Removable Parts

Start by taking out oven racks, trays, and any other removable parts. Place them in a sink or a large container filled with hot, soapy water. Let them soak while you work on the rest of the oven. The soaking will help loosen the grime, making it easier to clean later.

  1. Create a Cleaning Paste

In a small bowl, mix baking soda with water to create a thick paste. This paste is an excellent natural cleaner that can effectively tackle grease and stains without the use of harsh chemicals. Apply the paste to the interior of the oven, focusing on areas with the most grime buildup. Avoid applying the paste to heating elements or the oven’s fan.

  1. Let the Paste Work Its Magic

Once you’ve covered the interior with the baking soda paste, close the oven door and let it sit for at least 12 hours or overnight. During this time, the paste will work to break down the grease and grime, making it easier to wipe away later.

  1. Cleaning the Oven Exterior

While the baking soda paste does its job on the interior, use a mixture of water and dish soap to clean the oven’s exterior surfaces. Wipe down the control panel, knobs, and door using a damp cloth. For stubborn stains, add a little baking soda to the damp cloth and scrub gently.

  1. Scrubbing and Wiping

After letting the baking soda paste sit for several hours, put on your gloves and use a scouring pad or brush to scrub away the residue. For hard-to-reach areas, dip an old toothbrush into the paste and use it to clean crevices and corners. Wipe away the loosened grime with a damp cloth.

  1. Clean the Removable Parts

Take out the oven racks and trays from the soapy water and scrub them with a scouring pad to remove any remaining grease or residue. Rinse them thoroughly and let them dry before placing them back inside the oven.

  1. Final Touches

After cleaning the oven’s interior and reinstalling the removable parts, dampen a cloth with vinegar and wipe down the interior surfaces to remove any remaining baking soda residue and leave a fresh scent.


DIY oven cleaning can be a rewarding and cost-effective way to maintain a sparkling kitchen. With the right supplies and a bit of patience, you can achieve results comparable to professional cleaning services. Regular oven maintenance through DIY cleaning will ensure your appliance operates efficiently, keeping your kitchen a joy to cook in and leaving you with a sense of accomplishment. So roll up your sleeves, put on your gloves, and embark on the art of DIY oven cleaning for a spotless and satisfying kitchen experience.